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Thursday, July 8, 2010

You haven't seen a post here in a while because there really has not been anything to report. 

My eating has gotten a lot better. I did fall off a little bit around the 4th of July with all the BBQ's and whatnot. But I am trying to get myself back up on that wagon this week. 

I joined a gym! 
There was a new gym in the area that opened and they had a really good intro special. 
I have decided that I am the type that will not exercise at home. I will find something else to do. I need to go to the gym and get away to exercise. 
I had my first Zumba class today. I have done Zumba in the past and I love it. It gives me the facade that I am not really exercising, but I am just dancing. 
I also got a personal trainer for the first month to teach me the machines and get me into a routine. 
My first session is Monday night. 

I have not been reading my books lately because I have had sick kids and a sick husband so by the time evening gets here, I do not want to read. I am going to open my books back up this evening. 

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get rid of the carb cravings? 
I am doing pretty well with the chocolate and sugars, but man it is hard to give up those carbs. 


Sarah said...

Good job! Getting into a gym and starting with a trainer are great ideas. Those two things will help so much! I know because I'm not an exercise at home type person either. :)

Deborah Ann said...

Those carb cravings are hitting me pretty hard too. I used to crave sugar and chocolate, but now potatoes and chips are calling my name.

I have a treadmill, but like you said, sometimes you need to get out of the house. I find it's too easy NOT to work out. Always looking for excuses..heavy sigh...